Certifications and
Knit-Lab Peru has the certification of Fair Trade Peru Good Practices, obtaining these results in 2023 with honors by achieving 99% score as a result of evaluation by the Peruvian Promotion Commission for Exports and Tourism - Promperu.
Aims of the Fairtrade Standards is to ensure fairer terms of trade between farmers and buyers, protect workers’ rights, and provide the framework for producers to build thriving farms and organizations.
Fair Trade Peru Good
Practices Certification
Carbon Footprint Peru
KNIT LAB PERU has successfully implemented the FIRST LEVEL of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Management "Reduction" emissions for the period of 2023, utilizing the Carbon Footprint tool (Huella de Carbono Peru), which has been acknowledged by the Ministry of Environment of Peru.
We have a strong commitment to preserving the environment and adopting sustainable practices. Our efforts to reduce GHG emissions demonstrate our commitment to contributing to mitigating climate change.
Knit-Lab Peru achieved to become Peru Country Brand's licensees (Licenciatarios de la Marca Perú), consolidating our representation as a Peruvian company internationally. This is very important for a knit manufacturer.
The licensee is firmly commitment with the country. It aims promoting the country’s development and growth through the promotion of products and services to international markets. It is all Peruvians task, consolidating the image of Peru.
Marca PERU
Peruvian Company of the Year Award
Knit-Lab Peru was selected to be part of the Peruvian Company of the Year Award, by virtue of outstanding performance and business management during the annual period 2021.
The jury decided to prize our work as The Peruvian Company Award of the Year 2021, category exporting SMEs.
Suppliers Certifications
We have a long-standing relationship with our mill yarn companies suppliers in Peru for over a decade now, and we are still operating. A close and solid relationship that shares a common denominator of ethics and transparency.