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Artisan knitting vs Industrial knitting

Foto del escritor: Knit-Lab PeruKnit-Lab Peru

Domestic knitting machines have been around for many years and have been popular since the 1950s. Those without experience of machine knitting may assume that the machine does everything for you, but nothing could be further from the truth! Although a machine is used, this is just the creative tool, like the hook for crochet, the needles in hand knitting or even the sewing machine in sewing.

In all the disciplines, it is the person using the tool who decides on design, patterns and methods. Shaping (and often special stitches) are done manually to achieve the exact quality and finish needed for the project.

Although knitting machines can significantly speed up the process when you compare using one to knitting a similar garment by hand, it isn’t all automatic! Many machine knitters and knitwear designers may also have other skills, and may combine machine-knitting with hand-knitting, crochet, embroidery or applique.

All machines can knit basic stocking stitch, and most can also knit a variety of other stitch patterns. Although many hand-knitted stitch patterns can be replicated using a machine and vice versa. Shaping is a manual process, as is moving the carriage across the needle bed.

Hand knitting vs. Machine Knitting

Talk about speed knitting and surely, knitting in a machine would come to mind. If you are a hand knitter wanting to make more knitted creations in a matter of less time, I’m sure you thought of buying a knitting machine.


This is also the case with hand knitters wanting to take their knitting hobby into the next level. Or perhaps it’s because you’ve developed a buying market for your hand knits and wanted to knit for profit.

Any knitter can do best with a knitting machine if they have thoroughly looked into every aspect of it because for sure, even if you have lots of years of experience with hand knitting, you wouldn’t be an instant expert in producing knits in a knitting machine.

But with a little know-how on some frequently used domestic knitting machines and the manner they function, coupled with your creativity to tweak some of your knitting designs, you can definitely bring out the best in knitting machines in creating your chosen knitting projects.

Pros and cons between knitting by hand and by machine

  1. As mentioned earlier, speed and efficiency is the number one advantage of knitting machines over hand knitting. Knitting machines have automatic features that can create your patterns in minutes while maintaining consistency of the design.

  2. Flexibility in changing design patterns in the middle of a knitting session can be easily done with hand knitting than in machines.

  3. Intricate designs can be done both on a knitting machine and with hand knitting. However, if you are not actually good at hand knitting, you can still knit colorful garments with intricate patterns with machine knitting.

  4. For large projects, knitting in machines is a wonderful way to finish it in a much quicker time.

  5. You can be more creative with hand knitting. Hand knitting is also a calming way to release stress and tension in your mind. Depending on the machine used, some knitting machine produces loud noises while stitching.


At Knit-Lab Peru, we specialize in handcrafted and custom knitwear. Using the finest sustainable materials, we deliver high quality products worldwide. Contact us today to start creating premium knitted garments for your brand.

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